You have unique circumstances and a unique call for missions and we will train you with the practical skills for your unique call.
You’re a medical professional and you would benefit from qualified continuing ed with a mission focus.
You have a unique calling to a particular mission opportunity and you want the best skill set for a particular mission field.
Your youth group needs to know how to give a cup of cold water in Jesus’s name with a “hand up” rather than a handout.
You want the best techniques for teaching English in any part of the world.
You need a parent organization that can come along side you in your unique ministry for support with fundraising, healthcare, hands-on training, and telling your story.
You want hands-on, practical training in working in under resourced communities, addressing clean water issues, providing basic health care and hygiene, teaching practical farming techniques and pointing new-found friends to Jesus.
We at Equip embrace an understanding of the Scriptures which clearly recognizes that the response of the believer to human need is an integral part of the Gospel. The love of Christ in us and through us must be demonstrated as well as heard as we bear witness.
Our mission, therefore, is to prepare, send and support evangelical missionaries to assist the church around the world to be:​